Dive into the world of Lucid Dreaming.Do you want to take control of your dreams and experience your wildest desires?Controlling your mind while dreaming will allow you to jump into a fantasy world where you control everything. This idea is called lucid dreaming. As a lucid dreamer you will be able to easily design and craft your own universe. However, many have found it difficult to achieve lucidity while dreaming. With Lucid Dream Ultimate you can become a lucid dreamer and fulfill all of your wildest desires.
The app has 3 powerful groups of features.
Day: Reality Checks
Reality Checks are an important part of lucid dreaming. Repeated reality checks will help you lucid dream. Lucid Dream Ultimate will help you perform these checks with customizable notifications and settings.
Night: Dream Alarms
Lucid Dream Ultimate will also assist you when you are sleeping. There are 6 methods to wake you up in your sleep to help you achieve lucidity. Nap, WILD/WBTB, REM Interruption, Custom REM Interruption, Smart REM Interruption, and Motion Detection. You can also enjoy falling asleep to binaural and isochronic tones.
file size : 1.2mb
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version: Ultimate
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